Sunday 10 July 2011

The book that got my 7 year old reading by torch light.

This book has been sat on the shelf for a while, we've been reading others, and others have always got chosen. Until it finally got picked off the shelf to be read. Now we're talking a 7 year old boy, who can read well, and will read non fiction books independently, likes joke books, and poems, and can read fiction but doesn't normally pick up a book and choose to read it himself. He normally prefers to still have fiction books read to him. Which is fine and this is what we have been doing. I'm quite happy still reading to my children, as it's time spent together, snuggled up enjoying a story. Honestly, some of the books I really enjoy too, wanting to know what happens next etc.

So for some reason, this book has captured his interest, we got to the end of a chapter of me reading aloud. It ended on a cliffhanger, like so many of the other books we read, to draw you into the next chapter. Except none of the others have ever had quite enough draw. The line that did it, "The packet of maggots was gone" That did it, and then he was reading the next chapter in bed using his torch, and then the next morning he read another three chapters, and I actually had to call him out of his room to have breakfast. Any idea of the book yet? 

I have no exact idea, why this one. It doesn't seem a lot different to a lot of the others we've read with a similar format. This is a fiction book but with science facts scattered through the book, in factoid boxes. It mentions a lot of bodily functions, snot, farts etc. so made to appeal to the boy market predominantly.  Maybe that's what did it, or the storyline, or maybe it isn't the book but actually where my son is at, or any combination. Whatever it is, for the past few days I've had a bookworm who can't take his head out of this book. Which book? This book.......

Has Disgusting Dave had the same effect on your child? Apparently there are some others, so we may have to invest in those and see if they are as enticing. 

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